Sunday 4 April 2010

Newspaper Shot

When we asked some people from our target audience to watch our film, most of them seemed to be confused about the newspaper article which Horatio writes up. They said its layout made it unclear that it was an article and some mistook it for other things like a diary. The one person who realised that it was a newspaper article suggested that we rearrange the layout to make the concept much clearer, we took this in mind and so this is what we did; making the title font larger and a different style, as well as putting the text in more of a column shape. The article now looks much more realistic and makes it easier to an audience to grasp its meaning.

When our media teacher saw this shot, they questioned us on whether we thought a diary would be a more sinister idea than a newspaper article. We thought about this and thought that a diary kept on a computer would be more like a blog, and thought it unlikely for our main character Horatio to keep a blog as this would mean people would find out about his obsession with Mia before the story line had developed. Due to this we stuck with our original idea of a newspaper article and improved it as had been suggested by the audience.

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