Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Rough cut of NEUROSIS

This is a rough version of our film, not including music. We decided to make a rough cut and put it on to gather people's reactions to the film so that we could make any improvements in terms of the camera shots, angles, costume etc. which would help make the narrative and the concepts of a psychological thriller clearer. These are the questions we asked people to answer in their comments:

1. does the male look sinister?
2. is it clear that he is following the female?
3. can you rate it out of five for how clear the story line is (5= great and 1=poor)
4. does it suggest that the female is vulnerable
5. any other strengths or weaknesses?

The comments we received are below the clip.

In general most people seemed to think Horatio was sinister, or that there was something not right about him. Most people also seemed to think that Mia was vulnerable. Some people said that they didn't realise Mia was vulnerable until they saw the pictures at the end of the film, however this does not seem like a big issue, as it means the opening two minutes still gives hints that Mia is the victim and Horatio has a sinister element to him, meaning we conveyed what we had orginally aimed to convey after all.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Deleted First Scene

This was our original first scene for our film. After filming it and watching it through, we decided it was wrong for our film. There were too many characters for the opening scene, and the scene as a whole did not work well with our film. We thought that Leon falling over and the comments from the other students drew attention away from the story-line and also made the film quite comical, neither of these did we want. We wanted to focus more on the sinister element to our film, and not draw the audience's attention away from the essential action in the scene of Horatio following Mia. We put this deleted scene onto to see whether other people would agree with us, these are the comments we received:

The trip seems a bit too comical and slightly unreal
but however comparing that characters clothing to the female
characters he does seem isolated from society. As well as this
there are too many characters introduced within the opening where
its hard to work out who is the main character and most important.
its a bit comical the fall because like he kicked the metal
thing before hahaa and its a bit over dramatic
the comedy doesnt really fit into the conventions of a
psychological thriller